Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Social Network

The Social Network....
Need I say more? This film was done quite courageously. One mistake on Mr.Zuckerberg character and the movie could of been ruined. I'm amazed at his ass-hole character through out the film but at the very ending when the lady, that comforted him during lunch break at the meeting, said something on the lines of.."You try to be an ass-hole but your not one."... Completely blew me away. Though I was intimidated my Mr.Timberlakes role as Sean I feel he did a miraculous job and hope to see him in many more films where he shows his conniving/bad-ass side.
I am some what proud to be one of Mark's Bazillion members on The Facebook. I feel like a victim to his ingenious creation every time I login into Facebook. I have officially added him to the list of people I want to meet in life. The list as follows;
1:Will Wright
2:Tim Mcllrath
3:Jesse Eisenberg
4:Mark Zuckerberg
5:Eduardo Saverin
6: Bill Gates
7:Sean Astin
8: Satoshi Tajiri

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I think it's once you get out of middle school when people start to take fashion seriously. It's a sad but true fact. I dress vintage and people make fun of me but it's like "sorry I'm more mature than you and don't want to wear Adventure Time T's everyday." I dress well and put together. Why can't people all choose their own style instead of copying their friends.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Est-ce que vous comprenez ?

I am currently teaching myself French.
I downloaded this free french tutor app on my iTouch and its quite, teachable. I hope I will be able to master French before or after college so that I can visit Paris and be able to speak fluently to people. I hope to get my degree in Game Design and work for EA (Electronic Arts) and create some very interesting mind blowing games that will open more then blow a teenagers mind to creativity and new thoughts on life and the meaning 0f life. Once I, hopefully, become one of the three greatest game designers in my time, I will retire and move to paris to either dance, paint, write or create plays. Something productive, fun, and educational for myself.
-Sean H.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Indie Kid Posers SUCK!!!

Ok Ok Ok.... If you say you and your friends are "indie kids" but you all dress the same style your a poser! "Indie" means Independent! So when you dress like your friends your being a follower not independent. Indie isn't a style its a life choice!! Don't try and look like populare indie singers like Christofer Drew. And by the way posers....YOUR A FUCKING POSER! Be true and Be You! Thats what "Indie Kid" means!

-Sean,.... a true indie kid.....

Monday, January 3, 2011

Good Holy Morning Fellow Citizens

Aloha meh Amigos!
It is currently 7:54 AM in California right now, and I'm awake. I was shunned to the couch last night because I didn't pick up my clothes in my bedroom. (LONG STORY ;) I couldn't fall asleep so I daydreamed... Next thing I know it's 4:43 AM. DUN DUN DUUUNNNN
So I only had 2 hours of sleep. Feelings? I feel stoned with a bit of accomplishment. Why? Because my mom jokingly commented on my bad ass skull T. Best thing though! Because I had the most cunning response for her. I give this morning 3 stars.
But I will keep to my promises, when I said I was going to tell you something about the types of guys I like I meant it. So here I go.
Nerds: To be completely honest! I like the nerds. Why? Because you can have conversations with them. I like computers and science so I think we might get along. But I wouldn't date a nerd if he was a wuss. I try to put myself around bad ass people, unfortunately 8Th graders are the definition of W.U.S.S! I'll tell you the next type of guy that I like in my next Blog....
Gratefully yet insincerely,
-Me.... the only ME.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Errr....Welcome..I guess

Aight, well Hi fellow bloggers and followers.
I probably will never follow any bloggers because I was always told to,"Be a Leader not a Follower", growing up. Anyway back to the point of this post.
I'm going to talk about things that are on my mind which will hopefully lead to the simplicity inside it. So I would like to share the state of mind that I am in right now... First I broke up with a guy, he was a drama queen and a jerk. Enough said. My next post I will talk about the type of dudes I'm interested in. Even though I don't really have a "type" I'm just going to pick three type of guys and say what I would like in them.
